HAMtower is a reference app (for Sailfish OS) to demonstrate usage of automatic.sral.fi JSON API.


  • browse up-to-date station list (fetched upon startup, cached until restart)
  • filter station list by station type and status (QRV/all)
  • search by callsign/name
  • show station details
  • active cover functionality

HAMtower is free software licenced under the GNU Public License version 2 (GPLv2) and it is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. Internet connection is required to fetch the data, operator charges may apply.

Download HAMtower RPM installation package for ARM7 (Jolla phone)
md5: 637871a1911c3463fc6d8c66db681a8e

HAMtower is available also via Openrepos.net / Warehouse app directly from phone

License, disclaimer and source code

HAMtower is written in Qt/QML by Lasse Latva OH3HZB. HAMtower is open source under GPLv2 license. Source code is available at Github repository.

Disclaimer: Author takes no responsibility of direct or indirect damages you may cause using or not using this piece of software. It is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.